Choose to be inspired

Camela Galano is an experienced transformational life coach who provides services for adults across the globe.



Guidance focusing on the realization of self-fulfillment, the validation of inner strength, and ultimately the discovery of life’s joy.



Camela encourages clients to shift negative and limiting beliefs to more positive and hopeful perceptions of both themselves and the world around them. She motivates clients to transform feelings of futility and hopelessness to optimism and joy.


The Power of Choice

Camela helps clients to recognize that they have the power of choice; that they alone can determine the quality of their life with the choices that they make. She gently guides clients in their quest for self-empowerment.



Camela collaborates with her clients on quieting the inner critic. She encourages clients to heighten self-compassion, to enhance self-acceptance and to develop feelings of safety and trust within themselves. She teaches clients the importance of establishing and maintaining boundaries that support their self worth.



Camela works with her clients to find comfort and solace in a connection with both their authentic self and with the universe in which that self exists.


About Camela

Camela uses her personal and professional accomplishments to guide others to discover their passions and successfully achieve their deepest desires.

Camela recently transitioned from a 30+ year career in the film business to her current role as a transitional life coach. As one of the few top female executives at that time, Camela’s unique perspective enabled her to pioneer a path for other women while guiding and mentoring her team.

Camela’s professional achievements were always supported by her authentic view on mindfulness and devotion to her own spiritual practice.

Camela is a breast cancer survivor. Her soulful and positive attitude provided her with the strength to undergo her extensive treatments. Camela chose to transform this challenge into an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. She has shared her experience with fellow patients while comforting and supporting them through similar treatments.

In addition to individual life coaching, Camela also runs workshops and coaches groups in person and via zoom.




Levin Life Coach Academy

  • Jump Coaching

  • New Relationship Blueprint Coaching

  • Reinvention Coaching

  • Group Coaching

  • Worthy Coaching

University of Santa Monica

  • Spiritual Psychology / Soul Center Living I

Heal Your Life
(based on the teachings of Louise Hay)

  • Life Coaching

  • Workshop Leadership


  • Master Level Reiki Practioner

  • Yin Yoga Instructor

Choose to be inspired.

Choose to be inspired.


“She has a true strength and ability to make her clients feel understood and seen.”


Justin Randolph

“My work with Camela came at a time in my life as I stood at a crossroads. The work we did inspired me and gave me permission to take a pause, and to re-align with the most authentic parts of myself. Clarifying the vision for my life was the most empowering experience I have had in a long time. Camela's guidance and ability to hold space for me has allowed me to choose a new, authentic, and joyful path for myself.”


Jodi B.

“Camela is a beautiful soul. I felt safe from the moment our sessions began. She has a true strength and ability to make her clients feel understood and seen. I shared with her stories and fears I haven’t said out loud to others or myself. She made me feel like it was normal to have these fears, sometimes sharing her own deeply personal stories in order to connect with me. I definitely learned more about myself through this process, including greater clarity on my own vision for love.”


Raquel Carreras

“Cam was amazing through the process. As I am embarking on a very big work project, I felt very insecure, not confident and I felt my voice dimmed. Through the process with Cam, I was able to identify the blocks and why and put forth some things that helped me feel more confident and shine through. I have a bit more work to do but I feel stronger, more confident and have tools that Cam showed me that when I feel blocked and or shut down I am able to break through those hurdles easier, effectively and be on my way to that confidence and feel like I am thriving.”


Wendy Reeves

“Cam is amazing! Each session left me feeling empowered and excited for the next action steps. Her passion for this work exudes in the sessions and makes you feel like you are going on a personal adventure with a really fun travel partner. Cam is compassionate, funny, insightful, personable, energized and really seems to love what she is doing, I always looked forward to being with her energy each session. With full confidence I will be referring friends and family and I am looking forward to further sessions.”